Volunteers (Gananoque Curling Club)



Our Club succeeds because of our strong volunteer base. There are many ways to get involved in helping make events happen. This includes helping on a committee, organizing a league or bonspiel, bartending, kitchen and dining room help. Help sign up sheets for upcoming events are posted on the information board in the club lobby.

Role of Volunteers

In the upcoming season there will be a need for the continuation of the excellent volunteer response from the members. Volunteers that assist in operations lessening the need for paid employees make our club a viable operation. There are many and varied opportunities to volunteer at the club.


Members volunteering for more than 15 hours, or who take on a designated tasks (running a bonspiel or league, ice committee worker), may request a refund of their volunteer fee. Fees to be returned on January 1st if hours are achieved by December 20th, if achieved after that, fees will be returned by April 1st"

Ways to Volunteer

At the beginning of the season organizers are needed for the Leagues and Bonspiels.

The duties of League Convenors include: prepare the schedule, maintain the standings, liaise with the Club Manager and record the volunteers.

The duties of the Bonspiel Convenors include: Solicit competitors and prizes, organize the schedule and scorekeeping, liaise with the Club Manager re costs and facility use and record the volunteers.

Volunteer Program includes: bartending, scorekeeping, kitchen and dining room help and housekeeping duties.

Examples of ways to volunteer:
*assist with the Little Rocks/ Junior Program
*bartending or kitchen help at a bonspiel or catered event
*assistance with housekeeping duties in the club and in the arena
A volunteer may be asked to do up to 6 (4 hour) commitments

Full volunteer commitment will be awarded to League or Bonspiel Convenors, for ice and arena maintenance, fund raising, soliciting advertising, serving as a Director or as an active member of a committee.

Volunteering is an excellent way to get to know your fellow curlers, meet new people and help the club!